
Riyuu (理由) is reason; pretext; motivation. Why we tie and get tied. It’s not a workshop about ties, styles or dogma, but interactive in helping participants to a higher level.

Primal fantasy, desire, fear, taboo, etc. highlight commonalities and diversities. A live session explains how psychology and anatomy function in application. Incorporated are Ma (time dynamics), Nagare (flow), Koudoushugi (behaviourism) and applied techniques derived from Amna (body manipulation) and Anpuku (ventral massage) for nerve protection to prolong sessions with intensified euphoria. Duration: 4 hours with a 15–minute break
Participants: Max. 12 couples
Clothing: Comfortable for tying
Ropes: Max. 3
Ability level: Simple Gote
Cost: 500€ + travel, accommodation, meals